Fritos, Limon y Sal, 57g, Snack (Bag)

Nixtamalized corn fritters with salt and lemon.

Ingredients: Nixtamalized Corn, vegetable oil (contains TBHQ), Seasoning [Iodized salt, Maltodextrin, citric acid, Dioxic Silicon, Gum Arabiga, Flavouring, Lemon Juice], Achiote.

Follow this link to make “Fritos Pie“:



9 in stock


Made in Mexico

Mexican Fritos are similar to Fritos sold in the U.S., except they are much bigger and shell-shaped, plus they are loaded with lime and seasoning! They are DELICIOUS! These rare chips are perfect for dipping into cheese and salsa. They will add a touch of Mexico to your home and bring a smile to your family and friends.